There will be no border changes in the Balkans or Europe, and such ideas come from “anti-Bosnian retrograde forces” that are returning to the 19th century, university professor Senadin Lavic said, speaking to media prior to the Sunday session of the ‘Krug 99’ association of independent intellectuals
“The Balkans serves as an exhaust valve for various European ideologies. I don’t think the Balkans is such a ‘powder keg’ as some are trying to demonise it. I believe it is of crucial importance to understand that the area of the Balkans needs to adopt the fact of the rule of law and the respect of liberal-democratic ideas of the modern era. And those two strategic processes will determine its future,” said Lavic.
The professor dismissed a possibility of new wars emerging in the region, stressing that the situation will most likely develop in a way where the solving of open issues in North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia will determine the structure of the Balkans.
“There will be no change of the borders in the Balkans and Europe, that’s clear to you. The ideas about the border changes come from anti-Bosnian retrograde forces that are returning to the 19th century. The borders within Europe are definitely done and none of them will change,” said Lavic.