The Civil Protection Administration of the Bosniak-Croat shared Federation entity amended its previous curfew order on Sunday, loosening it by two hours, but it also introduced an additional measure of face masks.
The curfew order was changed from the previous 6 pm – 5 am, to 8 pm – 5 am and a new order was introduced for people walking outside the curfew. From now on, everyone walking in the streets or outside of their apartment must wear a face mask or a cloth covering their mouth and nose.
Apart from the mask, all citizens must keep a minimum of 1.5 meters distance between them.
These orders will be effective immediately, the Civil Protection Administration said.
Sarajevo band gatherings of 20+ people
Sarajevo Canton’s Utilities and Infrastructure Minister Nihada Glamoc said on Sunday that the government reached a conclusion during its emergency session to ban all gatherings, both public and private, over 20 persons.
She added that gatherings organized for up to 20 people would have to respect the prescribed distance and have adequate equipment.
“What interests our fellow citizens the most is the restriction on movement for youths under 18 and people over 65, as well as the question of whether that order would be lifted. However, I urge them to comply with this order because the Civil Protection Headquarters and the Cantonal government, through the municipal headquarters and the Red Cross, are doing everything to ensure that everyone over 65 has their needs met,” the Cantonal Civil Protection HQ Commander and Minister Glamoc concluded.