In an effort to save jobs, create new ones and strengthen local businesses in light of the COVID-19 crisis, the Chamber of Economy of Bosnia’s Federation (FBiH) region launched the campaign “Buy local - build Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
“By buying Bosnian products, let us support the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina which has, under difficult conditions with the emergence of the coronavirus, focused all of its capacities on supplying Bosnia’s citizens at a time of decreased export and a shut down of many borders of EU countries,” the institution said in a press release.
It reminded us that food produced within the country is a lot healthier because the time of transport is much shorter and that since local companies employ locals, “the purchase of domestic products is an investment into the future.”
“With the development od the local economy, the health care and education system gain a lot of benefits aw well, which is a requirement for their quality work,” it said.
If each Bosnian citizen would spend ten Bosnian Marks choosing domestic products, that would result in about 35 million Bosnian Marks more income in the Bosnian economy monthly.
“That is 420,000,000 more in revenue annually to the domestic economy in addition to new jobs, more secure and stronger pension funds, better health care and higher quality and more modern education,” it said, noting that the creation of one manufacturing job draws five to seven jobs in supporting industries with it.