Belgrade Airport, Air Serbia ready to resume regular flights, minister says

NEWS 11.05.202012:07

Serbian Traffic Minister Zorana Mihajlovic said on Monday that Air Serbia and Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla airport are ready to resume regular flights once agreement is reached with other countries in Europe.

“At this moment there are no regular flights in Europe, no defined procedures,” she said speaking on the pro-authorities’ Happy TV.  

A ministry press release quoted her as saying that the coronavirus pandemic did not force the airport to close at any time. She recalled that medical equipment was flown in and that more tthan 15,000 Serbian nationals home from other countries and that 13,000 foreign nationals left for their homes.  

The minister said that medical experts are expected to make recommendations for aircraft passenger safety. “Europe has no procedures yet, no decision whether PCR tests or self-isolation will be needed for regular air traffic. We will start flights to four cities on May 18 – London, Vienna, Frankfurt and Zurich because of our nationals who want to return to Serbia,” Mihajlovic said.