Sarajevo Canton MP explains how "assembly votes are being sold"


An independent lawmaker in the assembly of the Sarajevo Canton, Damir Niksic, told N1 on Wednesday that votes in the assembly are being sold and that he has figured out how - it is done slowly, not at once.

“It’s not done explicitly,” he said, adding that he wondered for a long time how the alleged trade with votes was being done.

“Nobody has ever approached me with a suitcase with half a million, a million or a million and a half in it. What’s a million if you will gain power thanks to it,” he said.

The procedure is completely different, he said.

“You sacrifice yourself for a politician, you do something for him, maybe you sit in jail for a while, but they do not pay you right away,” Niksic said.

“They find you a job, there are various options, and then for years you earn 15,000 (Bosnian Marks) a month and once you have earned a million, they say, we gave it to you,” he said.

“I thought you get a million and a half and then you get a vacation in Hawaii…” he said jokingly, adding that “time will tell who will be taken care of and how.”