Officials in Pristina said after meetings with European Union envoy Miroslav Lajcak on Tuesday that an agreement with Belgrade is important to the stability of the region but insisted that there should be no discussion of a possible swap of terrritory.
Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti told reporters that a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is important both to the stability of the region and the EU. “We are prepared and we have a platform,” he said and added that he informed Lajcak that Pristina’s approach is to close all open issues with Serbia.
President Hashim Thaci insisted on a visa liberalization for Kosovo residents as part of the EU-mediated dialogue which should end in mutual recognition. “Kosovo has a future and an alternative to become part of the European family… Any effort leading to a full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is welcome,” he said and added that the important thing for Pristina is for the EU and US to coordinate as strategic partners.
Parliament Speaker Vjosa Osmani said that there should be no negotiating about Kosovo’s territory. She told the media that only the government can represent Kosovo in the dialogue with parliament overseeing the process. “I expect this to be the dialogue between two equal sides and it will make sense only if it ends in mutual recognition,” she said.