Croat Presidency member: EU cares about European Commission's opinion, not HDZ's


Judging by how this convocation of the Central Election Commission (CIK) started working, it is obvious that there is a will to change some things, Bosnian Croat Presidency member Zeljko Komsic said Thursday before leaving for Brussels, adding that as someone who has been long present in Bosnia's political life, he witnessed that there were enormous election irregularities and thefts every two years.

“Earlier, the CIK did not want to intervene, to sanction, but thus convocation obviously has the will to deal with those things and I expect they will work much better than their predecessors,” Komsic said commenting on the work of Bosnia's election watchdog that has sanctioned several parties recently and noted a number of irregularities regarding the electoral roll.

Speaking about the purpose of his trip to Brussels and what the EU wants from Bosnian officials Komsic said:

“EU officials don't care what the Vroat Democratic Union in Bosnia (HDZ BiH) or anyone else wants, but what the European Commission's opinion says. One of the priorities in this opinion is the implementation of verdicts of the Court of Human Rights. If you don't implement them, you will see for yourself what the response will be. The implementation of these verdicts will change the whole concept of Bosnia's organization, they will change its society. If we move in that direction, and we will have to at some point, we will thus become a society of free citizens. Here, the demands of the HDZ BiH and the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) collide with that opinion. That will be a big problem in Bosnia, at the moment when we reach the phase of when we'll have to implement the EU's priorities,” Komsic pointed out.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has lost several verdicts before the Court of Human Rights regarding the ability of members of nations other than the three main, constituent, Bosniak, Croat and Serb peoples, to run for offices at different levels of government. Every time Bosnia was found to violate basic human rights and told to amend its laws and the Constitution which only recognizes strict ethnic elections.

Both the HDZ BiH and SNSD, which is the strongest Serb party in the country, oppose amendments to the Constitution which would strip constituent peoples of their electoral exclusivity.