Activists and citizens gather across Bosnia to raise voice against femicide

NEWS 11.10.202318:34 0 komentara
N1/ F.Z

Dozens of activists and citizens gathered on Wednesday in several Bosnian cities to raise their voice against femicide under the slogan 'None more'!

The rallies were held in Sarajevo, Mostar, Bijeljina, Banja Luka, Lukavac and Zenica, where the protestors presented their requests for the authorities.

Amela Basic of the Banja Luka Safe House stressed the importance of reporting the violence and the police officers assessing a possibility of the violence happening again.

“Statistic dana show that 70 percent of investigations into the reported violence cases are terminated,” she stressed.

Denis Hisari
N1/ F.Z
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari
Denis Hisari

Only a few women and a man gathered in Zenica. Activist Selma Badzic said that the situation would have changed if everyone understood that nobody deserves to live in violence.

Women in Mostar carried a banner that reads ‘Stop femicide: we are their voice’.

Activist Ifeta Cesir Skoro told N1 that they gathered to show their concern.

“Women are wrong when they dress nicely, when they talk openly, when they want to learn, to hang around, they are not allowed to have company, they are not allowed to make a mistake when choosing their partner. No matter what they do, they are wrong, but they are not,” she said describing the general situation in the society.

Around a hundred of activists and citizens gathered in Tuzla as well and presented their demands towards the authorities.

“Because 48 percent of women in BiH experienced sexual and gender-based violence. Because 84 percent of the domestic violence and that in intimate relationships are never reported. Because around 70 percent of the investigations of the reported cases are terminated before the prosecutor's offices,” they stated.

Dozens of citizens gathered in Sarajevo with one of the organisers Jadranka Milicwevic pointing out the importance of informing the public about what is happening.

“What matters the most is that the current laws are accepted, respected and that decisions are made based on that,” she said, adding that they addressed requests towards the police and judicial institutions.

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