American professor: Belgrade should close RT, Covic in politics for too long

NEWS 26.02.202418:42 0 komentara
Edward Joseph (N1)

Edward Joseph, a professor at Johns Hopkins University and an expert on relations in the Balkans, told N1 that the key move by the USA and its EU partners would be to "insist" on the closure of the Russian state channel "Russia Today" in Serbia. "When Belgrade closes Russia Today, it will be a powerful signal to Republika Srpska (RS) entity President Milorad Dodik and every other actor in the region who wants to align with Russia," the professor said. Pročitaj više

Joseph also commented on the move of Croat Democratic Union (HDZ BiH) leader Dragan Covic to attend the book promotion of the convicted war criminal in Mostar, calling it “shameful”. The American professor concluded that this is “an indication that Čović has stayed in power for too long.”

He was asked to comment on Milorad Dodik's visit to Russian President Putin, to which he said it was a shameful event.

“The broader question is what that visit says about Putin's intentions in the region, but also the Western policy. That's the point. It’s obvious that Putin sees an opportunity, and the US and the EU must not allow that. The factor that complicates everything is that America especially relies on Vucic to exercise some kind of control over Dodik. We heard a comment from Serbian Minister Vucevic who said that they are under pressure to discipline Dodik. But Vucic now owes Dodik because of the election, that's clear,” the professor said, adding that the USA with its EU partners should finally insist that Serbia closes “Russia Today” television in Belgrade.

To this end, he was asked to comment on the announcement that “Russia Today” is also opening its BiH centre.

“That's another reason why closing [the Belgrade centre] is crucial. That would be a powerful signal to Dodik, who has been sanctioned before and has shown that he doesn’t care about those sanctions. When Belgrade closes Russia Today, it will be a powerful signal to Dodik and every other actor in the region who wants to align with Russia. That's why I say it's a key step and it's very doable. Vucic can do that, and the US and the EU must ask the Serbian President to do it,” Joseph noted.

Speaking about Dragan Covic attending the book promotion of the convicted war criminal, Valentin Coric, in Mostar, Joseph said this was another shameful thing from BiH political leaders.

“We have seen a clear statement from the American Embassy on the subject, I don't need to add anything to this. I was in Mostar during the war and for me personally, it was a shock and a shame to see such a move by Covic. I think it was a political mistake. At a very sensitive moment in his relations with the American government, after [US Secretary of State Antony] Blinken's very harsh letter regarding this man, he was at that time attending the promotion of the war criminal's book. This is an indication that Draga Covic is one of the personalities who stayed in power for too long,” Professor Joseph concluded.

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