Becirovic stresses state unity and vigilance against genocide at Potocari memorial

NEWS 11.07.202412:47 0 komentara

Denis Becirovic, the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, delivered a message today in Potocari, stressing the crucial importance of understanding two key points for the future: that only the state and its institutions can save us, and that only informed, educated, and united people can deter potential perpetrators of genocide.

“The protagonists of Greater Serbia in 1992 withdrew judges from the Constitutional Court of RBiH and disrupted the constitutional order. Today, they are doing it again. In 1992, they threatened the existence of the state and the Bosniaks; today, they are again threatening the state's existence and ghettoizing the Bosniaks to 25% of the state's territory. In the 90s, they persistently opposed the presence of the international community in BiH. When the international community withdrew, they committed genocide. Today, they are once again demanding the withdrawal of the international community. Before 1992, the architects of Greater Serbia conceived the SANU Memorandum (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), which was the dynamite that destroyed Yugoslavia and sparked aggressive wars. Thirty-four days ago, the declaration of the so-called ‘All-Serb Assembly’ was adopted. Europe and the world must be aware that Vucic's Greater Serbia declaration is more dangerous and scandalous than the SANU Memorandum,” Becirovic stated in his opening remarks.

He continued by recalling that in ‘92, the leaders of the Greater Serbia project were Milosevic and Karadzic, with an agreement that Milosevic would deceive the West while Karadzic implemented his policies on the ground. “I urge everyone to consider the roles Vucic and Dodik play today,” warned the Chairman of the Presidency.

Becirovic emphasized that BiH is at the heart of Europe and its place is in Europe, and that BiH stands on the doorstep of NATO membership.

“NATO is a safe harbor that guarantees peace and security for everyone in our country,” Becirovic conveyed.

In conclusion, he stressed the collective duty to fight for a secure future and strengthen alliances with friendly countries.

“The resolution on genocide has further shown us how important this is. Our path is to build a fairer future. If we forget the tragic past along this path, it can repeat itself,” Becirovic underlined.

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