BiH's FM attends event marking 29th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica in St Louis

NEWS 14.07.202418:32 0 komentara

BiH’s Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elmedin Konakovic, attended an event marking the 29th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica on Saturday in Saint Louis. He stressed that every commemoration of July 11 in any part of the world is painful and sad, but also very important.

“Teaching our generations, especially the younger, what really happened on July 11, 1995 is our moral, human, civilizational obligation, especially today when there are still evil forces that promote lies and fight for lies, trying to stop the truth of the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica from being told, but of all other genocides in our country that were not determined as such by courts,” said Konakovic.

He added that it was therefore very important to adopt the Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica in the General Assembly of the United Nations.

He condemned the campaign of Serbian authorities, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, against the resolution, as well as the support Serbia had from Russia and China who “did everything to prevent the truth about Srebrenica from coming to light in that important institution”.

Konakovic emphasized that the most important part of that resolution is the civilizational obligation of all countries of the free world to include facts and information in educational programs and teach upcoming generation about the genocide.

American congresswoman and co-chair of the Caucus for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Congress, Cori Bush, also spoke at the gathering in Saint Louis.

“We remember the 8,372 boys and men killed and thousands of women raped and displaced during the genocide in Srebrenica. We must honour them and their families. We must stand against genocide, ethnic cleansing and hatred in the world. We must fight against the denial of genocide and the glorification of criminals anywhere in the world,” she said.

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