Bosnian tourists fall into river in Serbia after suspension bridge collapse

Izvor: Glas Zapadne Srbije

A dramatic scene took place Thursday morning near the Jovanje Monastery in the Ovcar-Kablar gorge in Serbia, when a suspension bridge broke while visitors heading towards the monastery were crossing it. Unofficially, the people crossing the bridge were from Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

According to local media, the cable broke under the load and all the pedestrians fell into the water. Firefighters, rescuers and emergency teams are on the ground, people are being pulled out of the water. There is still one person in the water. The injured are transported to the General Hospital in Cacak and over 50 people fell into the water. learned that one person got tangled in the bridge and is not showing signs of life.

According to unofficial information, the visitors are from Zvornik, BiH. learned that more than 10 people were injured, and around 80 doctors and nurses are waiting to intervene. Two women have died according to their sources.

Izvor: Glas Zapadne Srbije
Izvor: Glas Zapadne Srbije
Izvor: Glas Zapadne Srbije