Covic: Srebrenica genocide can't be disputed, UN resolution triggered new crisis

NEWS 25.05.202413:17 0 komentara

The adoption of the UN Resolution on Srebrenica has triggered a new crisis and divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the president of the HDZ BiH party, Dragan Covic, said on Friday, adding that Bosnian Croats have a clear stance that what happened in Srebrenica was genocide which cannot be disputed. Pročitaj više

“This is a continuation of different views on the recent war and the crimes that occurred. The resolution has opened numerous controversies and questions in the country,” Covic told Radio Television HercegBosna.

The adoption of the document by the UN General Assembly has shown that BiH does not have a foreign policy, given the completely different positions stated on the matter by the members of the Presidency, the foreign minister, and the members of the Council of Ministers, he said.

The UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution on the Srebrenica genocide on Thursday. This was welcomed by Bosniak politicians and representatives of the international community, but Bosnian Serb officials once again denied the genocide. Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik even announced the secession of the Serb entity from BiH, but leading diplomats and foreign officials in the country told him such a move would lead to the disappearance of his entity.

According to Covic, the Srebrenica Resolution will not lead to reconciliation in BiH. “Instead, it will open other issues, the issue of secession.”

He said the genocide in Srebrenica in the summer of 1995 must not and “cannot be denied today in any way.”

Covic thinks it will not be easy to overcome the current crisis and sees the only possibility for doing so in an agreement among local politicians regarding the continuation of the country's European path.

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