Dodik pushes for “separation agreement” amid U.S. warnings and sanctions

NEWS 30.05.202412:26 0 komentara

Despite numerous warnings from the United States (U.S.) to Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, that "separation" would mark the end of this Bosnian entity, he remains undeterred and continues with his announcements.

Dodik has announced that by the end of May, which means today or tomorrow, he will offer his partners from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina what he calls a “separation agreement.”

“We will remain in the organs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we will only make decisions in our interest. And since there are no decisions in our interest there, we are unlikely to make any decisions,” Dodik said, recalling that RS would send the separation agreement.

Continuing with his usual rhetoric, Dodik insulted his colleagues from Sarajevo, calling them America's favorites.

“But they don't know that the balance of power in the world has changed. The fact that Americans impose sanctions on RS shows that we are a factor,” added Dodik, who has been on the U.S. blacklist for years, along with his children and some close associates.

Because of this blacklist, which they boasted about being on, they have started to feel the consequences, one of which is the payment of salaries. Many of them, due to sanctions, are without bank accounts, prompting the RS government to react and legalize salaries in envelopes.

However, the U.S. responded quickly, threatening new blacklists due to the announcement of this law.

Dodik does not take these warnings seriously, even after the U.S. Embassy warned that RS cannot exist without Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that separation would mean its end, and that his rhetoric is only harming this Bosnian entity.

Despite this, Dodik once again took the opportunity to insult the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina have never been worse. By all accounts, it would be normal for that country not to exist; it's a caricature,” Dodik said about the country where he has existed and earned a salary for years, as do his closest associates who echo his rhetoric.

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