Former Bosnian army members sentenced to a total of 36 years for war crimes in Buzim area

NEWS 04.03.202415:53 0 komentara

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina sentenced in the first-instance verdict to a total of 36 years in prison seven former members of the wartime Bosnian Army for war crimes against civilians and the prisoners of war in the area of Buzim, the northeastern Bosnia.

According to the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Vahidin Bajraktarevic was sentenced to 12 years, Senad Salkic to eight, Zijad Nanic and Esad Kudelic to five each, Husan Mustafic to three, and Samir and Husein Isakovic to a year and a half each. Nedzad Bapic was acquitted of all charges of the indictment.

They were all members of the 5th Corps‘ 505th Buzim Brigade.

The crimes were committed against the members of the Bosnian Serb forces, paramilitary unit of what was called the People's Defence of unrecognised Autonomous Region of the Western Bosnia and the unit's supporters.

Prosecutor Vedrana Mijovic asked that all defendants are banned from travelling and leaving their place of residence, and Chairman of the Court Panel Darko Samardzic said the Court is yet to decide on this matter.

The trial commenced on March 15, 2016.

Mehmed Alesevic was initially part of this case but his trial was then separated and he was sentenced to five years in prison in 2022.

The defendants can file an appeal to the decision before the Appellate Division of the Court of BiH.

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