Speaker of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Denis Zvizdic and Marina Pendes, a delegate in the House of Peoples, met on Friday with Adis Ahmetovic, Bundestag rapporteur for the Western Balkans, who said that Germany would work to strengthen BiH's European path as well as the state Parliament calling it an institution to be strengthened and respected.
Zvizdic noted that the departure of young people is one of the key problems facing BiH. He pointed out that Germany has a kind of leadership position within the European Union together with its partners.
“That’s why we expect its stronger engagement in the de-escalation of the situation in BiH, as well as in the entire region. We expect a fair relations between the countries of the Western Balkans, based on mutual respect and reciprocity, and within BiH to truly adhere to the Dayton Agreement, the BiH Constitution, applicable laws and strategies. One important strategy we talked about is the BiH foreign policy strategy, which defines two key foreign policy goals, namely zjr NATO and European integration, which will bring peace, stability and economic prosperity to BiH. We see Mr Ahmetovic as a sincere partner who will help us in that,” Zvizdic said.
Ahmetovic said that he was in Serbia before visiting BiH.
“I saw the same thing there as here, and that is that the Parliament is the largest constitutional body that must be respected and strengthened. The only right path for BiH is the European one, and we must work on that together, especially on strengthening the Parliament and its functioning. Another common goal is the accession to NATO, which is very important because it is the basis for cooperation between BiH and the EU in this very difficult time in which various political turmoils are happening and there is considerable uncertainty in Ukraine and BiH. We must work on achieving that goal,” Ahmetovic emphasized.
He stated that one of the most important topics is the elections, which, as he pointed out, will be held in October.
“Holding democratic elections is proof that BiH is a stable and democratic country, and on that path, BiH can count on the support of the EU, Germany, but also the High Representative. Let's not leave out the situation that we have to improve in the field of social injustice, economic growth, that is, creating a better perspective for young people in this country so they would stay in it,” Ahmetovic said.
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