Grandmother, mother, daughter among six Bratunac victims buried Friday

NEWS 12.05.202315:01 0 komentara

The remains of six Bratunac victims were seen in front of the Commemorative Center in Tuzla, before being buried in the Veljaci cemetery after 31 years of searching for their remains.

Bratunac is among the bloodiest cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of the cruelty of crimes. Amira Paraganlija, who was only seven years old, her mother Safija (31) and her grandmother Rukija (67) were buried Friday at the Veljaci cemetery.

The most graves in BiH were discovered in Bratunac where hundreds of children were killed, and so far 300 victims of crimes committed by members of the police and the Republika Srpska Army and units from neighbouring Serbia, have found eternal peace in the Veljaci cemetery.

Amir Parangalija buried his mother Friday. He also lost his father and several other family members.

“They killed my father Adil, mother Safija in the house, my mother on the doorstep. I was small, I didn't remember them. I was in a concentration camp when I was four years old when I was captured. I didn't know I had another sister. The sister was shot in her crib. I only have her left, we don't have anyone else,” said Amir, crying.

The sister who survived the shooting while still a baby in the crib, Samra Parangija could not hide her pain. Through tears and sobs, she could barely speak.

“I lost my mother, father, sister, two aunts and an uncle during the war… I lost Everything. They killed them all, and when they killed them, they at shot me in the crib. The crib was all riddled with bullet holes. By some miracle, I survived. My brother was taken to a camp in Serbia, he was not even five years old when Serb robbers arrived. We didn't have anyone. They gave me to my grandfather, and I went from my grandfather to my aunt and lived there, and my brother lived with my aunt. We met after several years. We’ve been living together for 12 years. He is a child with needs, he cannot live alone, he must have a guardian,” said Samra.


The funeral was held for Alija Hodzic, Amira Paraganlija, Safija Paraganlija, Rukija Paraganlija, Sabaheta Hasanovic and Sacir Muminovic.

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