Helez: Bosnia's Defense Ministry issued no stay permit to Serbian Army soldiers in Bratunac or Prijedor, Serbian Embassy says they told BiH Foreign Minister

NEWS 07.07.202416:18 0 komentara

After the soldiers of the Serbian Army appeared in Bratunac and Prijedor and their parade caused fierce reactions, Bosnia's Defense Minister Zukan Helez said he never issued any permit for their stay, nor was there any agreement through which they could enter the country.

“Immediately after learning about the stay of undocumented members of the Army of the Republic of Serbia on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I requested that an investigation be conducted in the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to determine whether the Ministry headed by me gave permission for this stay. I certainly didn't. The investigation established that the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia did not request any permission for the stay of members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia in our country from the Ministry of Defense of BiH and that no one from the Ministry of Defense of BiH gave any permission or consent for this stay.” Helez said.

The Minister then said that cadets of the Army of the Republic of Serbia were staying on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“Also, today's event was not foreseen by the bilateral cooperation plan of the defence ministries of the two countries. Unofficially, some information says that these were cadets of the Army of the Republic of Serbia and that they could stay at the invitation of the Ministry of Labor and Veterans and Disability Protection of the RS. I repeat the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina has not received an invitation nor has it been asked for a permit for the stay of undocumented members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Helez said.

Embassy claims to have notified BiH Foreign Ministry

Serbian Embassy in Sarajevo announced to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina the arrival of members of the Serbian Armed Forces in a note, RTRS wrote on Sunday.

According to the information we have, the Serbian Embassy in Sarajevo announced the arrival of military and police academy cadets who participated in the commemoration of the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Kozara to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, headed by Elmedin Konakovic, RTRS wrote.

The Embassy said these were students without weapons, no formations and they used to come to commemorations, e.g. in Donji Gradina.

The ceremonial parade of the Serbian Army through Prijedor on the eve of the commemoration of the Battle of Kozara caused many reactions.

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