Hundreds of flags of the so-called Herzeg-Bosnia were placed all over Mostar Thursday morning by the workers of the utility company "Parkovi," in the city’s most frequented places.
The Democratic Front (DF) candidate for the Federation (FBIH) entity Parliament, Sanel Kajan, from Mostar, posted a video on his Twitter account of the said flags. In the description, he asked why the City Council of Mostar exists when the strongest Croat and Bosniak ethnic-oriented parties, the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ BiH) and Democratic Action Party (SDA) are silent on almost every issue in Mostar. Kajan stated that he would not participate in the flag-raising campaign either.
“The City Council of Mostar is in charge of the Municipal Public Enterprise ‘Parkovi’. Everyone is silent, the councillors, the mayor. I publicly appealed to the opposition, I even sent them private messages, they promised to react, but so far they haven't. The flags are still being put u, which is going on all morning. These are not the flags of the City of Mostar, the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, or the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is a blatant provocation so I felt the need to react because silence is a sign of approval. We are talking about very large flags of the so-called Herzeg-Bosnia”, said Sanel Kajan for N1.
Zašto postoji Gradsko vijeće Mostara?! Većinski šute na svaki problem u Mostaru, a vijećnici SDA/HDZ se drže kao jedno. Neće se oglasiti ni na ovu jutrošnju akciju JP "Parkovi" #Mostar postavljanja zastava tzv HRHB. pic.twitter.com/9dmPsVlAt0
— Sanel Kajan (@KajanSanel) September 29, 2022
According to him, the flags were placed from the shopping centre Mepas, along the avenue, Dubrovacka street all the way to Mostarka – the largest building in Mostar.
Herzeg-Bosnia was established in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1991 during the war in the country. Its armed forces, the Croatian Defence Council (HVO), were first allied with Bosniak armed forces. But the HVO and Bosnia's Army turned against each other after the parastate declared itself a republic on August 28, 1993, and changed its name to the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosna, with Mostar being its capital.
N1 tried to find out who gave permission to fly these flags and contacted several addresses. The department for utility and inspection affairs and the environment of Mostar, which is otherwise responsible for granting such and similar consents, said briefly that they did not give permission, adding that the Office of the Mayor of Mostar, Marijo Kordic should be asked the same question.
N1 contacted the Mayor’s office, however, Kordic was not in the cabinet allegedly attending a meeting. After several attempts and phone calls made to him personally, he did not answer.
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