Intl Press Institute: Bosnia's media freedoms in decline

The International Press Institute (IPI) together with its partner organizations in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) organization published a joint report on the most serious challenges facing media freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina following a recent fact-finding mission.

The report warns that media freedom in the country is declining amid new restrictive laws, hostile rhetoric and disparagement of journalists by public officials, and ongoing systemic challenges to the independence of public media.

The country has long experienced stagnation in its progress on media freedom and freedom of expression, amid a slow erosion of the country's constitutional framework and increased efforts by the government of one of the country's two entities, Republika Srpska, to undermine Bosnian institutions and central government. However, ever since the country received the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union in 2022, the climate for media freedom has experienced an overall decline in the past year.

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