Komsic, Becirovic attend Days of Victory event at Mount Vlasic

NEWS 16.09.202313:12 0 komentara

The first "Days of Victory, Days of Pride" event was organized on Bosnia’s Mount Vlasic in honour of the members of the Republic of BiH Army, and one of its greatest victories, which is certainly the liberation of Mount Vlasic, the organizers said Saturday. On this occasion, the largest flag of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was presented at Vlasic’s highest peak. Pročitaj više

During his address, BiH Presidency member Denis Becirovic spoke about the attacks on the constitutional order of BiH.

“The protection of the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a fundamental prerequisite for moving towards the EU and NATO. Whoever does not understand this either has evil intentions or is dangerously naive. The history of the people who defended BiH is very similar in many cases and tragic. Is it a coincidence that the leader of the Bosniaks in the first Yugoslavia, Mehmed Spaho, died under unexplained circumstances on the eve of the Serbo-Croatian partition of BiH? How can it happen that Dzemal Bjedic is the only prime minister whose plane broke down under alleged signs and who died in 1977? Does anyone think that in 1987 the president of the Constitutional Commission of the Assembly of Yugoslavia, Hamdija Pozderac, was accidentally removed? Was a campaign against Alija Izetbegovic for Islamic fundamentalism a coincidence,” Becirovic asked.

Zeljko Komsic, the Croat Presidency member, also addressed those present.

“How many times have we gone over our pride, believing that those whom we thought were our friends were those who betrayed us? Everything is possible, I don't hate anyone, and I don't see anyone as an enemy, but what more do you want from us? How long should we keep silent and bend our backs for the sake of false political correctness? I respect the force that stands on their side, but I don't allow them to still think that I'm just another stupid Bosnian because of everything we've been through. So we’ll pay the price as much as it costs,” Komsic said.

The president of the organizing committee of the event and the Head of the Municipality of Travnik, Kenan Dautovic, said that “by raising the victory flag of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on top of Paljenik, just as Commander Mehmed Alagic did 28 years ago together with the veterans of the 7th Corps, they want to send a message of commitment to preservation of our homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

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