Magazinovic on “All Serb Assembly”: Dodik and Vucic will mask defeats as victories and return to reality in dark

NEWS 08.06.202412:24 0 komentara
N1/ F.Z.

Saša Magazinovic, a member of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDP), commented on the "First All Serb Assembly," which will be held today in Belgrade.

“Today, at the ‘All Serb Assembly’ (because just ‘Serb Assembly’ would apparently not be Serbian enough), Vucic and Dodik will talk about threats, the necessity of unity, resistance, deny the genocide in Srebrenica, oppose Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe, repeat that Kosovo is Serbia, and so on,” he stated.

He pointed out that this is the same Dodik who, in 1996, speaking about the Hague Tribunal and convicted war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, said:

“Let the court determine whether they are guilty or not, and not shift their responsibility onto the entire Serbian people. Guilt is an individual matter, so let each person suffer for the crimes they committed.”

Magazinovic also noted that this is the same Dodik who, in 2007, declared:

“There was a genocide in Srebrenica. This was ruled by the court in The Hague, and it is an indisputable legal fact.”

Regarding Vucic, he highlighted that this is the same person who, in May last year, agreed to the Ohrid Agreement, in which it was clearly stated that Serbia “will not oppose Kosovo's membership in any international organization.”

“The same Dodik and Vucic will close the (All) Serb Assembly with a (all) Serb fireworks display, feeling satisfied because, once again, at least briefly, they have masked their defeats as victories, and then, in the dark, return to a reality made up of facts and truths that exist regardless of what they have to say about them,” concluded Magazinovic.

It is worth noting that all high-ranking officials from Serbia and the Republika Srpska will attend the “All Serb Assembly.”

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