Mothers of Srebrenica ask for urgent reaction from Schmidt regarding RS elementary school curricula

NEWS 07.09.202412:09 0 komentara

We ask the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the High Representative, as well as the BiH Prosecutor's Office, to immediately stop the demolition of the Dayton Peace Agreement, as well as the obvious violation of BiH law, the Movement "Mothers of Enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa" said in an open letter.

After the Pedagogical Institute of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity announced a new curriculum for primary schools, which will introduce a new teaching content glorifying war criminals, the Movement wrote an open letter addressed to institutions mentioned above.

“After the RS Pedagogical Institute published the new curriculum, which will include the so-called Homeland and Defense War in which Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic were presented as positive figures, the implementation of the decisions from the recently held forum of the ‘all Serbian world’ began in practice.

We expected that the competent authorities in our country, primarily the OHR as an inviolable authority with unlimited powers and the Prosecutor's Office of BiH as the only one responsible for compliance with the BiH Criminal Code, would adequately respond and make it known that such a beastly violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and violations of BiH laws would not be tolerated. ” they said.

However, they recalled the statement of the OHR, that “everyone who believes that parts of the curricula are in conflict with the existing legal framework should raise the issue before the relevant judicial authorities,” as well as the Prosecutor's Office of BiH, in which they stated that the Prosecutor's Office of BiH has no competence for interventions in the field of curricula of the competent ministries of science or education”.

“Thus those in charge are asking citizens to do their job for them. Judging from all of the above, one can conclude that the OHR is only responsible for the monument on Vlasic, and the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for the ‘Dobrovoljacka’ case, while everything else is obviously of no interest to either the OHR or the Prosecutor's Office,” the Movement concluded.

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