Official tells N1 NATO worried about Kosovo

NEWS 12.07.202414:51 0 komentara
Bildagentur-online/Ohde / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

A NATO official told N1 in Washington that the Alliance is concerned that the situation in Kosovo could deteriorate.

The high-ranking NATO official said that the Alliance does not think the situation has stabilized following last year’s events. He said that both Belgrade and Pristina are responsible for the armed incident at the Banjska monastery when a Kosovo Police Sargent was killed and several Kosovo Serbs wounded. Pristina blamed Belgrade for the incident along with Kosovo Serb businessman turned politician Milan Radoicic.

We have been saying that to both Belgrade and Pristina, the official said and added that stability depends on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. We are calling all sides to refrain from any unilateral moves, he said.

The official said that KFOR has control over Kosovo’s airspace under UN Security Council resolution 1244 and added that the use of the helicopters and drones bought by Pristina has to be in line with that NATO-led mission’s powers.

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