Peaceful protest in Gradacac after another femicide case

NEWS 11.05.202416:51 0 komentara

Just a few days following the brutal murder of Halida Mujedinovic, and nine months since the murder of Nizama Hecimovic which sent shockwaves through the region, a new peaceful protest was held organized by the Informal Group of Citizens in Gradacac. 

This time, however, there were significantly fewer people at the protest. Those gathered demand a systemic response from the authorities, saying they do not feel safe in their city.

One of the participants, Nerma Saric, spoke about the events from nine months ago that marked this town.

“Gradacac has become a city of concern,” she said, referring to the recent brutal murder of Halida Mujedinović just a few days ago.

She noted that, at the initiative and insistence of activists, a Coordination Body composed exclusively of citizens and activists has been formed to monitor the security situation in society and alert the authorities to react. However, to this day, no one from the authorities has responded to their calls.

The protesters stressed the need to adopt a Femicide Law and said they will not give up on demanding systemic solutions in the prevention of all forms of violence. They also demanded a reaction from the High Representative of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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