Republika Srpska ministers reject state-wide Day of Mourning in Bosnia

NEWS 07.10.202414:36 0 komentara

Bosnia's Council of Ministers failed to declare a Day of Mourning due to floods and landslides in the country during Monday's extraordinary session. The country's Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic confirmed this information to N1.

Namely, he said that not a single minister from the Republika Srpska (RS) entity voted in favour of this.

“We all voted, the RS ministers did not vote. People from the RS are showing their true colours, this is not humane at all. We hoped that the humane side would prevail”, Konakovic said.

He then added:

“I am sure that the Federation (FBiH) entity's Government will make a decision during the day. Nenad Nesic stated that he would vote for the Day of Mourning. Politicizing people's suffering is to their credit. They are ready to push people's lives into political discussions.”

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