RS building Serb memorial near Srebrenica Memorial and church previously removed from Fata Orlivoc's yard

NEWS 12.07.202411:49 0 komentara

The Prime Minister of Bosnia's Serb-majority Republika Srpska (RS) entity, Radovan Viskovic told Srna that the Government would provide money for the construction of a memorial complex in memory of the Serb victims in Podrinje from 1992 to 1995. This memorial complex will be built in Bratunac, which is located near the Potocari Memorial Center.

“At the Government session, we decided to proceed with the creation of the conceptual project in connection with the memorial centre and we are already planning funds in the next year's budget for its construction. It is high time to build such a memorial centre where we would gather, lay wreaths and honour our victims”, said Viskovic.

He pointed out that both the RS President, Milorad Dodik, and he are appealing to begin the construction of a memorial complex for the fallen Serbs of Birca and Podrinje in Bratunac.

He also said that the RS Government will provide funds for the construction of the church in Konjevic Polje, which was illegally built in the yard of the house of the Fata Orlovic and which was demolished in 2021.

“In the immediate vicinity, only maybe fifty meters towards Zvornik, the RS Government took the land seven or eight years ago. It is in the Court in Srebrenica. I hope that the Court will schedule a hearing very soon and that we will finally resolve the property-legal relations”, stated Viskovic.

He added that the construction will probably last for at least two or three years, because the space should cover almost 40 hectares of land, and property and legal relations need to be resolved.

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