RS parliament adopts “position regarding the proposed Resolution on Srebrenica”

NEWS 22.05.202415:20 0 komentara

The Republika Srpska parliament adopted the “Protest against the violation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and international law in general” which was discussed during the Wednesday session under the title “RS National Assembly position regarding the proposed Resolution on Srebrenica,” with 65 out of 65 present MPs voting in favour of it. Pročitaj više

It is planned that the adopted document will be sent to the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia, as well as to the witness states of the Dayton Peace Agreement, as well as to other member countries of the United Nations.

The document has 13 points, the first of which states that “RSNA sends a formal protest in response to the actions taken within the informal group of states of the ‘inter-regional core’ which submitted the final Draft of the UN Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica to the United Nations General Assembly”.

“This formal protest primarily refers to the Republic of Croatia (Contracting Party), as well as the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America (state witnesses), as well as other countries that participated in sponsoring or co-sponsoring of the UN Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, a process that is contrary to the principles of general international law, especially contrary to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Annex 4”, the document states, among other things.

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