Sarajevo Mayor: Monument to Bosnian King Tvrtko I set up as an exhibition


The mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karic, explained that the monument to the Bosnian king Tvrtko I, which was recently erected in the centre of Sarajevo under the cover of night, was set up as an exhibition so that authorities would not be required to wait for a decision by the Commission for the Protection of Monuments to set it up.

The location for the monument was problematic months before, so Karic, as she says in her latest statement, decided not to wait for the approval of the Commission for the Protection of Monuments. She argued that, if she had waited for the approval of the Commission, it would never have been erected, because the Commission rejected three previously proposed locations.


“Angelina Osap Gacanovic, a member of the Commission, has publicly stated several times that for her Tvrtko is a Serbian king and that she did not allow the monument to be erected. Since decisions in the Commission cannot be made without Angelina's vote, I was aware that if I waited, I would not finish the job. That's why I came up with the idea of asking the mayor of the municipality to occupy a public area in order to organize an “Exhibition on the medieval Bosnian state – King Tvrtko I Kotromanic” and to display the bust of the king”, explained Karic.

She added that her idea came from the way the Eiffel Tower was set up in Paris, which was set up as an exhibition and was never removed.

“I received the approval in accordance with the law. I will extend it with the support of the Municipality. I intend to ask that the agreement be extended, until better times” she said.