Schmidt calls Bosnian political leadership to strengthen efforts on BiH's Euro-Atlantic path

NEWS 24.11.202320:11 0 komentara
Christian Schmidt u Pressingu (N1)

During his visit to Paris, High Representative Christian Schmidt highlighted the imperative for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s leadership to sustain and bolster the country’s efforts on its Euro-Atlantic path. He emphasized the significance of a unified international community stance to support BiH in this endeavor, said the Office of the High Representative (OHR).

Schmidt met with Secretary of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Continental Europe Director Brice Roquefeuil, Special Envoy for the Western Balkans René Troccaz, Advisor to the President Bertrand Buchwalter, and Minister for Europe and International Affairs Adrien Frier.

In discussions with his interlocutors, the High Representative underscored that the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement complements and supports the EU integration process. “These processes are not in competition, they mutually reinforce progress,” stated High Representative Schmidt. He acknowledged that while significant strides have been made, much more work remains to be done to strengthen the rule of law and democratic processes in BiH. He urged BiH political leaders to take full responsibility for propelling the country forward toward a prosperous future within the European family of free and democratic countries.

The High Representative reiterated his deep appreciation for France’s invaluable support to BiH and its citizens. He also expressed gratitude for France’s support of the Office of the High Representative and the High Representative’s mandate in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement.

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