School in Bosnia bans use of cell phones

NEWS 29.08.202310:56 0 komentara

Elementary school "Bila" in Vitez informed the parents that students will be banned from bringing mobile phones, any form of computers, MP3 players or other similar devices into the school, in the coming school year.

The announcement states that the school board of Bila Elementary School made this decision at the proposal of the Student Council, Parents Council, and the Teachers Council.

At the proposal of the school students and with the support of their parents, a ban on the use of cell phones was established in April 2019, in this school. This initiative, which went through comprehensive support, brought positive results.

However, during the past school year 2022/2023, violations of this ban were observed by many students, which resulted in the application of educational and disciplinary measures, including the temporary confiscation of mobile devices.

“In order for us all to contribute to avoiding situations like this, WE INVITE YOU AND ASK for this project to come alive again in the true sense of the word. Accordingly, we inform you that the school telephones will always be available to you and all the students for all information, throughout the school's working hours,” the school administration said.

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