A Serbian ruling party MP called for a ban on aggressor symbols after seeing T-shirts with the Russian military’s Z insignia on sale at a shopping mall.
Dragan Sormaz, MP for President Aleksandar Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), said that he saw T-shirts with the Z used for identification by the Russian military in Ukraine and images of President Vladimir Putin and called for a ban on both.
“I saw T-shirts with images of Putin on display at the Delta City mall. At every step. The government should immediately issue a decree banning the display of aggressor symbols in Serbia,” Sormaz wrote in a Twitter post.
He also called for “two years of jail time for those who make or sell them, and a fine for anyone wearing them”.
Danas sam u sred "Delta sitija" video izložene majice sa Putinovim likom
I ovo je na svakom koraku
Vlada pod hitno da donese uredbu kojom se zabranjuje isticanje agresorskih simbola u Srbiji
2 godine zatvora za onoga ko proizvodi ili prodaje
Novčana kazna za onoga koji nosi pic.twitter.com/oLQOUBXidU— Dragan Šormaz (@dragansormaz) April 18, 2022
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