Slovenian MEP: Ideas from the alleged non-paper disgusting and sad

Evropski parlament

Everything that was said to be in the alleged non-paper regarding the redrawing of borders in the Western Balkans and the dissolution of Bosnia is nothing but disgusting and sad and contrary to European ideas of building legal democratic states, member of the European Parliament (MEP) Irena Jovova told N1 Monday, commenting on the alleged non-paper proposing the so-called “peaceful dissolution” of BiH. Pročitaj više

“The Republic of Slovenia has always played the role of a sincere friendly mediator for the Western Balkans, and it must remain so. I do not believe that such ideas can ever come to life or gain a majority anywhere, and especially not at the European level,” Jovova said.

She also stated that the ideas mentioned in the non-paper are dangerous because they are nationalistic and instil fear in people who have suffered too much.

ple want to live normally, wherever they are. People need economic reforms, the rule of law, security, a better socio-economic status, a better health care system, and that is what needs to be talked about and worked on. Right-wing leaders give headaches and work to the great detriment and destruction of their own states, and they also create problems within the European Union. I think that these topics appear in order to divert attention from important topics, government reluctance and slow reforms, and then some individuals, even from the countries of the Western Balkans, ‘bite on’ to such unfounded ideas,” she said.

“Nationalism is a cheap instrument for scoring political points is still too often used. We would all like to see more honest work and ambition when it comes to reforms that will improve the lives of all citizens. I want to assure you that the EU's position is unchanged as far as the countries of the Western Balkans are concerned, and that is – the Western Balkans, which is in the EU, where the rights of all are respected, with strong and independent legal institutions, stronger economy and excellent regional cooperation. We want to see that and that is what we all need to work on together and move away from what takes us back, and in fact, leads nowhere,” the Slovenian MEP stressed.

She also emphasized that she believes that the end of the European Union is nowhere near.

“It is true that the EU has made mistakes in terms of its foreign policy so far, but everyone is very well aware of the situation in the Balkans and everyone is investing a lot of money and support in those countries in order to implement reforms as soon as possible. The Western Balkans are very important for the EU, not only economically but also politically, and after all, it is the EU’s closest neighbours, and culture and history connect us. Ideas from the non-paper will not be the subject of discussion in EU institutions, because the European agenda of complete, independent democratic states of the Western Balkans is unquestionable,” Jovova underlined.

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