Sunday marks 32nd anniversary of most infamous concentration camp in Bosnia – Trnopolje

NEWS 26.05.202411:27 0 komentara

Sunday marks the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Trnopolje camp in Trnopolje near Prijedor, which was one of the most well known and infamous and massive concentration camps in the Prijedor region. Pročitaj više

The Trnopolje camp is also known for the fact that, according to the Hague Tribunal, 23,000 inmates passed through it, making it the largest concentration camp for civilians since the Second World War.

It was discovered on August 5, 1992, when British reporters took photos of the starving inmates behind the wire. On August 21, about 200 inmates were taken out of the “Trnopolje” camp, and they were later killed at the Koricanske stijene site in Vlasic.

Several hundred inmates from this and other Prijedor camps were shot by the intervention squad of the Prijedor police, on Koricanske stijene, where only rare individuals survived by jumping into the abyss, just before being shot.

The Hague Tribunal sentenced a total of 19 people to over 270 years in prison and two life sentences for the crimes in Prijedor. The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina sentenced 22 people to 378 years in prison due to the crimes committed in Prijedor, announced.

The Hague verdicts established that of all the concentration camps and detention facilities established in the area of Prijedor, the most inmates passed through “Trnopolje”.

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