Despite the expectation, the High Representative in BiH did not announce his decisions regarding the formation of the Federation (FBiH) entity Government, on Wednesday. The political representatives of the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ) and the Troika were previously told that there will be no intervention by Christian Schmidt unless a parliamentary majority is secured. Sources close to N1 report that even in international circles it is not clear what exactly is happening, because there was an agreement to make the decisions last night.
Several meetings were held on Wednesday, with the HDZ BiH and HDZ 1990, among others, to secure the necessary votes, if the Peoples European Alliance (NES) and the Party for BiH (SBiH) do not support the new government in the FBIH House of Representatives.
Ilija Cvitanovic, HDZ 1990 leader told N1 nothing concrete was offered to this party and that talks will continue Thursday.
On the other hand, NES say that the focus of their action remains the constitution and that depending on Schmidt’s decision, they will decide whether they will remain part of the majority or not.
The High Representative should make the decision by the end of the day (Thursday). After that, the FBIH House of Representative Board will be convened and a FBiH House of Representatives session should be held on Friday, where the final appointment of the FBiH Government is expected.
According to N1's earlier report, Schmidt should announce two decisions, including amendments to the FBiH Constitution. The first decision will be a temporary one because it will refer to the current situation, since the FBiH Government was not formed even half a year after the election, and the existing Government has been in a technical mandate for four and a half years.
According to several diplomatic sources who spoke to N1 on condition of anonymity, the 2:1 option, which would mean that the FBiH President and one Vice-President will appoint a representative for the composition of the FBiH Government and thus outvote the other Vice-President, is no longer in play.
An alternative solution was found in adopting an ad hoc measure. The details will be communicated in a decision that will be announced late in the afternoon or in the evening.
The High Representative's second intervention which is still being finalized at the highest level, and which will also be announced at the said time, will be a permanent one and it will refer to the formation of the FBiH Government after every subsequent election.
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