United Media presented its drama series Time of Death at the Series Mania Festival in Lille on Tuesday.
The production of the series, based on a novel by the late Dobrica Cosic, is set to start this spring. The series was presented at the Series Mania Forum to an audience of more than 3,000 industry professionals. The presentation will be part of the Coming Next From Balkans program which is co-organized by Series Mania and the Sarajevo Film Festival.
The 30 episode series will be the second dramatization of Cosic’s work by United Media, following in the footsteps of Time of Evil aired on the Nova S channel.
Series Mania is the biggest European series festival lasting eight days to show more than 72,000 industry professionals the best series produced in Europe. This year’s festival includes nine series in the official competition for best international production as well as best actor and best French series. Another 16 series are competing for a 50,000 Euro award to help cover production expenses.
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