United Srpska party adopts declaration on the “right to self-determination”, party leader compares BiH to Kosovo

NEWS 10.09.202317:10 0 komentara
Nenad Stevandić (N1)

The “United Srpska” party adopted on Saturday the "Declaration on the Protection of the Constitutional and Legal Status of the Republika Srpska and the Right of the Serbian People to Self-determination, in accordance with the European and UN Charters", said the president of this party, Nenad Stevandic. Pročitaj više

He stated that the adoption of this document establishes that Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity (RS) “has an alternative, since the illegal attacks on the territorial integrity of the Republika Srpska, its property and constitutional capacity have continued”.

He again denied the legitimacy of the High Representative of the international community in the country.

He compared the situation in the RS with Kosovo, saying that Kosovo has been allowed to do something which the international community is preventing the RS from doing.

“We are not destroying the constitutional order of BiH, we want to live according to the Dayton Agreement’s constitutional principles, but if someone violates those principles and wants to threaten us, we have to show that we have an alternative,” said Stevandic.

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