Vucic challenges U.S. Embassy's criticism of “All-Serb Assembly” conclusions

NEWS 11.06.202416:44 0 komentara
Aleksandar Vučić (TANJUG/ MARKO ĐOKOVIĆ)

The U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina reacted to the conclusions adopted at the "All-Serb Assembly" concerning the Dayton Peace Agreement and the independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stating they are rooted in legal misinformation and full of errors. Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic responded, seeking an answer to what he called a single question.

“I found the criticism from our partners at the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo very interesting. I said I would ask some questions. You have all heard many times in Serbia, Bosnia, and the region a phrase that goes ‘the spirit of the Dayton Agreement.’ If we as a signatory country are not guarantors of its implementation, as they say it doesn't say that anywhere, but that we are just signatories, although the ‘spirit of the signature’ would mean precisely that, I wouldn't want to deal with the spirit or spirits but will ask a few concrete questions for our partners,” Vucic began before posing his question:

“My first question is: How, where, and since when does it say that property belongs to the central authorities and not the entities? Namely, point 3 of Annex 4 of the Dayton Agreement states that all state functions and powers not explicitly owned by the state shall belong to the entities! Article 3 lists state competences, which nowhere mention public property and public ownership. Please concretely explain how you concluded that property belongs to the central authorities and not the entities? And why did you participate in causing a crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina?” asked Vucic.

He then reminded the U.S. Embassy not to answer with “Because of the succession agreement,” as he said that would be “stupid.”

“At the same time, I expect you to explain how you said it has to do with the succession agreement that came into force in 2004. I'll immediately tell you, don't answer that; it would be very stupid. The succession regulates the rights and obligations of member states created on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, not how public and state property will be distributed within one of the member states formed by the breakup of Yugoslavia,” he emphasized and concluded:

“Please answer this one simple question. I am very happy that you accepted this argumented, civilized discussion without any insults. So; Where does it say that?”

Yesterday, the U.S. Embassy stated on the social platform “X” that the adopted conclusions at the All-Serb Assembly do not defend the Dayton Peace Agreement, as claimed by the authors, but are “a calculated attack on that agreement and the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina warns that this is dangerous: “Public statements by officials of Republika Srpska, especially President Dodik and President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska Stevandic, about conclusions and plans for ‘dissolution’ of RS – another term for secession – represent an attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multi-ethnic character of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

They note that, as explicitly stated in the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the successor state to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with its internal structure modified to consist of two entities.

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