Students from Mostar develop smart key chain


Amplius electronics – that’s the name of the company established by Mostar’s youngest entrepreneurs who were dedicated to the idea of producing a smart key chain since they were 17 years old.

They have invested a lot of energy and knowledge into the idea throughout the past few years and the final version of their product has  now found a place in the U.S. market.

Three 20-year-old computer science students, Marin, Luka and Robert, are the young innovators who dedicated their spare time into developing the smart key chain, which can also be used as an external battery and a data storage device for smart phones.

“We made the power bank so that, when tablet and smartphone users find themselves in a situation where their battery is running low, our key chain is there to help. There is also the data storage device that can free up space and expand it, the Radio-frequency identification tag which can be used for registering companies and turning certain devices on and off, as well as the Android application which communicates with the key chain,” said Luka Vucina.

The young entrepreneurs say producing the key chain was a demanding task and that, at first, they did not have enough knowledge to develop it. However, they never gave up. They turned the idea into reality – a key chain that is unique in its appearance and utilization.

“The Spark program opened their door for us. We are the first generation of the start-up, we applied and entered the program. Now we are a company and it is much more serious. We finalized the development of the entire hardware and software, now only the sale is left,” Vucina said.

There is a lot of demand for the product, and 700 orders have already been placed. The young entrepreneurs have secured the production, as well as the placement of the product on the U.S. market.

“The Restart organization from Sarajevo also helped us a lot. They introduced us to a woman in the U.S. who found a channel for us to start selling there,” Marin Bevanda said.

The company they established only six months ago is now to employ more people for another product they are developing, but which they do not yet want to reveal details about.

“Now we are preparing a campaign and from next week on you will be able to buy our product on our website. After this, we plan on employing new people because we are already thinking about our next product and we would like to not spent as much time developing it as we did until now,” Bevanda said.

The premiere of Bosnia’s first smart key chain, Rubico – which will cost about 80 Bosnian Marks, will take place at the International Fair of Economy in Mostar. The goal for the young entrepreneurs is to place their product on the global market.