Justice minister: Bosnia's first state prison opens next month


Bosnia's first state prison, whose construction started in 2006, will open on August 1, 2018, the state ministers decided on Tuesday at the Council of Minister's session.

“This is proof that Bosnia and Herzegovina is working on the rule of law, that it is strengthening the legal state. Prison is a part of the judicial system and we showed in this way where we want to head, what is Bosnia and Herzegovina's path, that it the path of Bosnia and Herzegovina is development and prosperity,” Justice Minister, Josip Grubesa, told the reporters after the state government's session.

The total cost of the prison construction amounted to 78 million marks (approx 39.8 million Euros) of which Bosnian authorities provided 6.4 million Euros, the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) approved 19.3 million Euros worth loans, while donor's funds amounted around 12 million Euros. The rest was secured through European Union technical assistance.
