Bosnia's municipality introduces fare-free public transportation


After the municipal authorities of Bosnia's central town Prozor-Rama secured free public transportation for its students, all residents of the town will as of January 2020 be using the public transportation - for free.

The Bosnian town follows the example of rare European communities which did the same.

Dunkirk in France and Tallinn in Estonia are some of the cities that did so in 2018 and earlier, while Luxembourg will provide fare-free public transportation for its citizens as of March 2020.

“I believe we will make it easier for citizens. Young generations have left like in many other places, so we have mostly the elderly, who find it difficult to reach the town centre and some of them are even 30 kilometres away,” mayor Jozo Ivancevic told N1.


The initiative was launched by citizens themselves but the authorities recognised their need and accepted the proposal.

All costs are handled by the Prozor-Rama municipality.