Bosnia's average net salary in February 2020 was some €470

N1 / Ilustracija

Bosnia's average monthly net salary paid in February this year was 941 marks (some €470) and it was nominally lower by 1.1 percent compared to December last year, and 5.1 higher compared to February 2019, the state Statistics Agency said Thursday.

In February, the month preceding the economic hardship caused by the effects of coronavirus, the lowest average net salary of 623 marks (some €310) was paid in the sector of the provision of accommodation and food service, in the administrative and support services sectors the salary was was 649 marks (some €325), while the average net salary in construction amounted to 651 marks (some €326), the Statistics Agency said.

The highest earnings recorded in February were in the financial and insurance industries – 1.526 marks (approx €710), in the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning the average net salary was 1.431 marks (nearly €700), and in the information and communication sector 1.351 marks (some €660).

(€1=1.95 Bosnian marks)