A school named after its late teacher Fatima Gunic, who along with three of her students was killed by a shell during the wartime siege of Sarajevo, opened a memorial classroom dedicated to her.
Gunic has become a symbol for teachers in Sarajevo after her untimely death on November 9, 1993.
On that day, she was teaching her class when a shell hit the building and killed her along with three students, Adis Mujal and Vedad Mujkanovic, both born in 1984, as well as Fedja Salkic, born in 1987.
Another 23 students were injured.
This is why the floor of the memorial classroom is painted red – a symbol for the innocent blood that was spilt that day. The room is meant to remind the coming generations of the teacher and the students.
Had they not been killed, Adis and Vedad would now be 36 years old, Fedja would be 33, and Fatima would be 71.