Becirovic on the Resolution on Srebrenica: A great diplomatic battle is ongoing

NEWS 23.04.202420:54 0 komentara

BiH Presidency Chair Denis Becirovic spoke to N1 after an extraordinary session of the Presidency, where they were supposed to present their stance regarding Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe. He noted that when they discussed this issue, he stated that the members of the Presidency of BiH must safeguard the interests of the state of BiH, as it is their task and constitutional duty. Pročitaj više

He pointed out that he conveyed the opinion that BiH Presidency members are not satellites and puppets of neighbouring Serbia.

“I said – we in BiH are not responsible that Slobodan Milosevic pursued a terrible policy in 1990. Bosnian citizens are not to blame that Serbia is facing the consequences of the catastrophic policy of Milosevic's regime. We want to work in the interest of BiH, and that is why I said that it is unacceptable for the issue of unresolved relations between Serbia and Kosovo to be linked to the permanently solvable status of the state of BiH,” Becirovic said.

He also emphasized that the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo cannot have any connection with Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it operates in a completely separate international legal, historical, geographical, and political context.

“Any attempts at political bargaining by Serbian officials regarding the status issue of Kosovo cannot be related to BiH,” he stated.

Commenting on the UN Resolution on Srebrenica, the Presidency member pointed out that there is currently a significant diplomatic battle going on in that context.

“Serbia's positions, in terms of denying the committed genocide, are most fiercely advocated by Russia and North Korea. In my address, at the UN, and in numerous conversations with ambassadors, I clearly pointed out that these are final rulings of the highest courts of the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which conclusively established that genocide was committed in the UN safe area of Srebrenica. Therefore, it has been proven by the UN courts, and it is simply unbelievable that a UN member state is trying to stop what the UN courts have ruled,” Becirovic stressed.

He stated that the purpose of this Resolution is to declare July 11 as the International Day of Remembrance and Commemoration of the genocide in Srebrenica in 1995 and to establish appropriate education and activities aimed at raising awareness and public consciousness about the committed genocide, as well as to develop a culture of peace and turn everyone in the region towards the future, rather than the past.

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