BiH Prosecutor's Office formed a team of three prosecutors on July 9, after the illegal decree of the president of the Bosnian Republika Srpska (RS) entity Milorad Dodik was published in the Official Gazette of the RS, Radio Free Europe (RSE) learned from this judicial institution. Pročitaj više
In the decree, which was published the same day in the morning, it is stated that the decisions of the Office of the High Representative in BiH (OHR) are no longer published in that BiH entity, as well as that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH will no longer be enforced in the territory of that BiH entity.
The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt had completely suspended that entire legislative procedure with his decisions from July 1. With the decision, Schmidt also criminalized disobeying the High Representative's decisions, and the penalty can be up to five years in prison.
“The prosecutor's team, together with the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), and other security and police agencies, are undertaking activities provided for by law, the results of which will be reported to the public,” the BiH Prosecutor's Office said.
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