Intellectuals: BiH's political elite must be aware of complex security threats and Russia's “hybrid war”

NEWS 24.09.202313:24
N1/ F.Z.

The political elite in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not yet aware of all the security challenges, threats and risks that the country and its citizens face, an Associate Professor in the College of Public Service at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Edin Mujkic, said at a session of the Association of Independent Intellectuals 'Krug 99' on Sunday.

“It is primarily Russian propaganda, Russia's hybrid war, which is currently very active, e.g. in Africa, and the strengthening of ultra-right parties in Europe”, Mujkic said, speaking about the security threats BiH politicians must be aware of.

He said that all pro-Bosnian parties that have an interest in the values of the civic state have unfortunately failed in building the institutional capacities of the state.

“At the local level, certain parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina have shown that they have enormous potential, which is not being followed up on at higher levels”, he said.

He warned that security threats are becoming more and more complex and that in this regard actors of political life in BiH should not rely on the help of the international community to protect the fundamental interest – sovereignty and the right to exist.

He also spoke about this issue at the global level, noting that the Russian invasion of Ukraine “created a huge geopolitical earthquake in the world” and that US foreign policy, apart from Ukraine, is focused on China as the biggest competitor.

Mujkic said that US foreign policy is still trying to find a way to set itself up after the confusion caused by Russia, assessing that the current attitude of the American administration towards the authorities in the Republic of Serbia has a very negative impact on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He mentioned a recent event organised by the US Embassy in Belgrade to mark the anniversary of the operation to rescue the allied pilots ‘Hilliard’ where the alliance with the Chetnik movement of Draza Mihailovic was highlighted in order to “satisfy the audience in Serbia, primarily Aleksandar Vucic and his supporters.”

All the complexity of the situation in BiH and the region was also pointed out by the

The president of Krug 99, Adil Kulenovic, also spoke about the “hybrid war that is being waged against the Bosnian state and social backbone, which manifests itself in the media and in everyday life for the sake of confusing the population, spreading defeatism and feelings of helplessness”.

“We must be concerned by the seriousness of the situation and finally realise the warnings coming from NATO officials and friendly countries that are focused on the stability and peace of our country in global, regional and local constellations and security contexts”, he said.