During the holy month of Ramadan, Sarajevans traditionally form long lines in front of bakeries just before they break their fast at sunset so they start their evening meal with a local version of flatbread called somun.
Although somun is available throughout the year, during Ramadan, bakeries produce a larger amount of Sarajevo’s favourite break, sprinkled with black seed only during the holy month.
Many say that the smell of somun with black seed is the smell of Ramadan is Sarajevo.
This is how it’s made in one of the city’s most popular bakeries, ‘Poricanin’, located in the Old Town:
Pogledajte kako se pripremaju #somuni u sarajevskoj pekari Poričanin pic.twitter.com/fO8AAWNmgj
— TV N1 Sarajevo (@N1infoSA) April 14, 2021
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