Szczerba in a letter to Ademovic: NATO PA recognizes BiH, Georgia and Ukraine as NATO candidates

NEWS 03.04.202416:55 0 komentara
Daniel MIHAILESCU / AFP / Ilustracija

Members of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO (NATO PA), Chairman Kemal Ademovic, Deputy Chairman Marina Pendes and the delegation member Obren Petrovic held a regular meeting during which they were informed about the letter sent by NATO PA President Michal Szczerba to the Chairman of the Delegation, Kemal Ademovic, on March 28, 2024.

President Szczerba informed Chairman Ademovic that after the spring meeting of the NATO PA Standing Committee, which was held on March 24 in Tallinn, Estonia, NATO PA continued its activities on the comprehensive review of the strategic partnership under the leadership of NATO PA Vice President Marcos Perestrello (Portugal) and former NATO PA Vice President Lord Campbell of Pittenweem (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

This review was triggered by the recognition that Russia's renewed war against Ukraine has disrupted the European and global world security order.

“During the NATO PA Annual Session 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Standing Committee agreed to the concept of a new parliamentary partnership, which was also adapted and expanded in Tallinn with the intention that the status and privileges of non-member delegations would be such as to help theM, and to develop a partnership in accordance with democratic values, with simpler partnership arrangements, and with the intention of providing greater flexibility in work. More important than this initiative is that NATO PA recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine as NATO candidates,” the NATO PA President's letter said.

In the letter, President Szczerba emphasized that “this reform basis should be accepted at the upcoming Plenary Session of NATO PA, which will be held in Sofia from May 24 to 27, 2024, and then fully put into operation during the spring and later”.

“We want to provide special privileges to NATO candidates with quick effects, and what is most important – to give your Delegation a greater number of votes in the Assembly. First, the Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has now been increased from three to five delegates, which is the number of delegates that puts your country in the category of a future NATO member. Second, the Committee Chairs will be recommended to agree to invite delegations of NATO candidates to their activities during 2024, if the nature of the visit permits and the host country agrees. Following these decisions, the NATO PA International Secretariat will provide a more detailed explanation of what are the changes in the status of your Delegation,” President Szczerba noted in the letter.

He added that “NATO hereby reaffirms the NATO open door policy for Euro-Atlantic integration for Ukraine, Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

“A proposal for a declaration containing NATO PA's recommendations for the NATO Summit, which will be held in July this year in Washington, has also been prepared, and it will be presented at the upcoming NATO PA session in Sofia. The rapporteurs on the Partnership Review will continue to determine how the operation of all NATO PA delegations will be increased through political dialogue and direct cooperation,” Szczerba pointed out.

At the end of the letter, President Szczerba extended his congratulations on the good news from the EU Council, which decided on the start of EU accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, welcomed the BiH PA Delegation to the next NATO PA session in Sofia and invited them to participate in upcoming NATO PA activities, stated the BiH Parliament.

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