Twitter, kao jedna od najpopularnijih društvenih mreža na svijetu, služi i za prepirke, ali većinom smo tome svjedočili prilikom svađe slavnih, sve do prije nekoliko dana.
Naime, na Twitteru se vodi “burna” rasprava između dva respektabilna muzeja – Muzeja nauke i Prirodno-historijskog muzeja – i to u vezi toga ko ima bolje eksponate.
U nastavku pogledajte najzanimljivije tweetove.
Who would win in a staff battle between @sciencemuseum and @NHM_London, what exhibits/items would help you be victorious? #askacurator
— Nicholas O'Connell (@bednarz) September 13, 2017
We have dinosaurs. No contest.
— Natural History Museum (@NHM_London) September 13, 2017
@NHM_London is full of old fossils, but we have robots, a Spitfire and ancient poisons. Boom! #AskACurator https://t.co/lsdOS3HqyO
— Science Museum (@sciencemuseum) September 13, 2017
We have robot dinosaurs, Pterodactyls and the most venomous creatures on Earth. Plus volcanoes and earthquakes … And vampire fish. pic.twitter.com/H2dNv0wgQr
— Natural History Museum (@NHM_London) September 13, 2017
What about this merman & we do have a Polaris nuclear missile as Khalil says! pic.twitter.com/uczMFrvKIw
— Science Museum (@sciencemuseum) September 13, 2017
Jenny Haniver sees your merman, never bring a nuke to an earth-shattering meteorite fight, and our cockroach specimens w/ survive us all 😉 pic.twitter.com/mbEgDseZ7G
— Natural History Museum (@NHM_London) September 13, 2017
We see your cockroach and… whack it with a welly pic.twitter.com/ITEPuplGHK
— Science Museum (@sciencemuseum) September 13, 2017
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