Nakas: Bosnian workers should think about who to vote for


Bosnians do not enjoy any of the benefits workers around the world achieved a long time ago and celebrate on Labour Day, said Bakir Nakas, a renown Sarajevo doctor and manager of the hospital that saved thousands of lives during the Sarajevo siege.

Labor Day has its origins in the labor union movement which advocated better working conditions, eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

In Bosnia, May 1 is an official holiday. Bosnians enjoy perhaps the eight hours of recreation, Nakas said in an interview with N1. But do they enjoy the eight hours of work part?

“Having in mind the high unemployment rate – we don’t. Having in mind our everyday problems, we can’t sleep for eight hours,” he said.

Bosnians should keep silently celebrating this holiday as there is not much reason to celebrate it at all, he said. They also should think about who to vote for in October.